Tsubasa Oozora, an 11-year-old with a fervent passion for soccer, dreams of winning the FIFA World Cup for Japan. His journey towards soccer stardom begins when he and his mother move to Nankatsu, a city known for its strong elementary school soccer teams. There, Tsubasa encounters Genzo Wakabayashi, the Super Goalkeeper, setting the stage for a riveting rivalry that pushes both young athletes to their limits. As Tsubasa navigates the competitive landscape of youth soccer, he is not only challenged by talented opponents but also supported by newfound friends who share his dreams and ambitions.
Amidst intense matches and rigorous training sessions, Tsubasa's dedication to soccer deepens, driven by his ultimate goal to represent Japan in the World Cup. His journey is marked by fierce competition, personal growth, and the forging of lasting friendships with teammates and rivals alike. With each game, Tsubasa comes closer to realizing his dream, proving that passion and perseverance can lead to achieving great heights.