Sakamichi Onoda, a freshman and avid otaku, enters high school with the dream of joining the anime club and making friends to share his passion for anime and manga. However, he discovers that the club has been disbanded. Undeterred, Onoda decides to revive the club and begins looking for members who share his interests. Known for his unique habit of riding his old, bulky mamachari bicycle to Akihabara every week, Onoda's cycling ability catches the eye of Shunsuke Imaizumi, a skilled cyclist and fellow freshman, who is amazed to see Onoda climbing a steep road effortlessly on such an impractical bike.
Their encounter leads to an unexpected challenge when Imaizumi proposes a race with the condition that Onoda will join the anime club if he wins. This race marks the beginning of Onoda's journey into the world of competitive cycling, as he also catches the attention of another cyclist, Shokichi Naruko, who is impressed by Onoda's riding skill. Torn between his love for anime and the thrilling new world of bicycle racing, Onoda must decide where his true passion lies as he navigates through the challenges and adventures of high school life.