Story follows the enigmatic journey of Hakuoro, who is discovered injured in the forest with a mask permanently affixed to his face and no memories of his identity. Nursed back to health by Eruruu and her family in a remote village, he adopts the name given by his rescuers and begins a new life amidst a community marked by their animal-like features. Despite his unknown origins, Hakuoro quickly integrates into village life, earning the trust and admiration of the villagers through his inherent leadership qualities and wisdom.
However, the peace is short-lived as the village faces the threat of an encroaching war and the tyranny of an oppressive emperor. Thrust into a leadership role, Hakuoro leads the villagers against the injustices inflicted upon them, navigating complex political landscapes and battling formidable foes. With each challenge, he steps closer to unraveling the mysteries of his mask and lost memories, all while fighting to secure freedom for his newfound family and himself against the backdrop of a brewing storm that could alter their world forever.