Set one year after the SAO crisis, Kirito is drawn back into the world of virtual reality when approached by government officials to investigate a disturbing occurrence in Gun Gale Online (GGO). The enigmatic "Death Gun" is causing players in the game to perish in real life after being shot by a mysterious avatar. Despite his initial skepticism, Kirito ventures into GGO, accompanied by Sinon, a skilled sniper. Together, they delve into the heart of the virtual battlefield, determined to uncover the truth behind Death Gun's deadly rampage.
As Kirito and Sinon navigate the treacherous landscape of GGO, they join forces to participate in the "Bullet of Bullets" tournament, where Death Gun is expected to make an appearance. With each step bringing them closer to danger, they must rely on their wits and courage to confront the malevolent force lurking within the game. Their quest for justice becomes a race against time, as they strive to prevent further casualties and bring an end to the sinister reign of Death Gun.