Rakuro Hizutome, a high school student better known by his gaming alias Sunraku, revels in conquering the worst video games the industry has to offer. For a change of pace, he decides to tackle Shangri-La Frontier, a popular virtual reality game revered by millions. His unique gaming strategy involves selling most of his starting gear for extra cash, leaving him poorly equipped but rich in resources. This gamble thrusts him into adventures that demand clever manipulation and strategic thinking, showcasing his adeptness beyond the realm of 'trash games.'
As Rakuro delves deeper into Shangri-La Frontier, he faces formidable beasts and complex challenges that push his gaming prowess to its limits. Alongside this, his interactions with other players begin to shape the game's community, drawing attention to his distinctive style. Each encounter and quest unfolds new aspects of the virtual world, ensuring that Rakuro's journey through Shangri-La Frontier is filled with suspense and excitement. This narrative blends his past experiences with his current challenges, illustrating how an underdog can redefine standards in a high-stakes environment.