In 2026, four years after the Sword Art Online calamity, a groundbreaking device called the Augma brings a new dimension to gaming with its Augmented Reality technology. Unlike the virtual realities created by its predecessors, the NerveGear and Amusphere, the Augma allows players to remain conscious, merging the virtual and real worlds safely. This leads to the rise of "Ordinal Scale," a fantasy role-playing game that quickly becomes the most popular application of the Augma, offering a blend of adventure and competition through player rankings and rewards.
As the game sweeps across the gaming community, Kirito and his friends are initially captivated by the safe and engaging gameplay. However, Kirito, who joins his friends in the game with some hesitation, soon discovers that Ordinal Scale hides more than just epic battles and rank quests. The group finds themselves entangled in mysterious occurrences within the game, suggesting that this new AR world might carry risks that echo their perilous past experiences in virtual reality.