In the aftermath of an attack that leaves him unconscious, Kazuto Kirigaya, known as Kirito, finds himself fully immersed in an elaborate virtual reality called the Underworld. This world, created by the advanced Soul Translator, interacts directly with the user's Fluctlight, or soul, making every experience vividly real and memories of the virtual experience fleeting once back in the real world. Here, Kirito encounters a young boy with human-like emotions, who recognizes him from somewhere. Together, they embark on a quest to find the boy's parents, during which Kirito is plagued by returning memories of a childhood forgotten, including a mysterious girl with golden hair named Alice.
The realization that these memories may hold the key to his predicament propels Kirito on a quest deeper into the Underworld. The boundaries between NPC and human blur, challenging Kirito's perceptions of reality. Struggling to piece together his past with Alice and determine its implications for his present, Kirito must navigate a world where technology meets the human soul. His journey is not just a fight for survival but a struggle to maintain his identity in a world where memories are both currency and weaponry.