Following the dramatic fall of Administrator, peace is yet to return to the Underworld. Kirito, suffering severe mental and physical injuries from the battle, remains comatose and under the care of Alice in the quiet village of Rulid. Alice, once a formidable Integrity Knight, now finds herself wrestling with her desire for a peaceful life and her duty as a knight. Her resolve is tested when the Dark Territory begins its invasion, spurred by the resurrection of the Dark God Vecta. With the "Final Stress Test" commencing, a war looms on the horizon, threatening to engulf the entire realm. Alice must decide if she can rekindle her warrior spirit to defend the world that she and her friends fought so bravely to protect.
As armies clash, Kirito remains trapped in his nightmares, with the fate of the Underworld resting on the shoulders of those left standing. Alice, stepping back into her role as Alice Synthesis Thirty, must lead the charge against an overwhelming enemy force. With the world she cherishes in peril, every moment counts as she strives to rally the Integrity Knights and repel the dark forces, hoping that Kirito will one day return to her side to see the peace they dreamt of together.
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