In the gritty underworld of Megalo Box, an enhanced form of boxing that incorporates mechanical limbs known as Gear, a fighter known as Junk Dog scrapes by in the shadows. Forced to throw matches to survive under the manipulation of his boss, Gansaku Nanbu, Junk Dog dreams of genuine competition. His life takes a dramatic turn when he encounters the reigning Megalo Box champion, Yuuri, who challenges him to prove his worth by fighting his way through the ranks to face him again in a legitimate match.
Seizing the challenge, Junk Dog adopts the name "Joe" and enters Megalonia, a prestigious tournament that determines the world's top Megalo Boxer. With only three months to climb from the bottom of the ranks to the top, Joe battles through one formidable opponent after another, each fight bringing him closer to the ultimate confrontation with Yuuri. This path not only tests his physical limits but also his resolve to transform his life from a mere shadow fighter to a true champion.