"Dr. Stone: New World" picks up with an intensified struggle as Senkuu's Kingdom of Science maneuvers through enemy territory. Kohaku and Ginrou, with the help of local ally Amaryllis, have managed to infiltrate the harem of the Petrification Kingdom’s ruler, aiming to dismantle the regime from within. Their plan moves smoothly until a critical error alerts the Petrification Kingdom's authorities, putting the entire mission at risk.
Complications arise when Moz, one of the kingdom’s most formidable warriors, follows Amaryllis back to her meeting with Senkuu, uncovering their strategic hideout. Contrary to the expectations of Minister Ibara, Moz harbors his own rebellious plans to seize power using the petrification device. Senkuu must navigate these dangerous waters carefully, leveraging Moz’s rebellion to secure a potential victory against their tyrannical foes and possibly gaining a powerful, albeit unpredictable, ally in the process.