5 Ranked in Spring 2023
17 Ranked in 2023
In a post-apocalyptic 2024, humanity clings to survival amidst a world overrun by monstrous creatures. Within the walls of a secluded facility, children are raised in a nursery-like setting, unaware of the horrors outside. Yet, curiosity begins to stir among them about the world beyond their protective confines. Simultaneously, outside these walls, two young survivors, Maru and Kiruko, embark on a perilous journey towards a mythical destination known as Heaven. Bearing the weight of their past traumas, they seek answers and hope in a shattered world, where monstrous beings and remnants of advanced technology litter the landscape.
Their journey is fraught with challenges as they navigate through the ruins of Japan, driven by a dying wish and the hope that Heaven holds the key to understanding the calamities that have befallen them. As Maru and Kiruko push forward, their paths are marked by encounters with both supernatural entities and remnants of humanity fighting for survival, painting a stark contrast between the innocence nurtured within the safety of the nursery walls and the brutal reality of the outside world.