On an island plagued by mysterious creatures that have driven residents to abandon their homes, Tajima steps up by purchasing the remaining construction company, Hato Industries, to convert it into a vermin extermination force. The arrival of young engineer Tetsurou Okino and his newly developed robot, Bullbuster, offers a glimmer of hope. Under the tight constraints of a shoestring budget, Okino and his team must optimize every resource. Every bullet counts, and the costly operations of piloting Bullbuster demand precision and efficiency as they face the monstrous threats endangering their community.
The challenges are monumental for Hato Industries, as they balance the high stakes of monster eradication against the harsh realities of financial limitations. The dynamic between the ideals of eliminating the monstrous threats and the economic constraints they face creates a constant tension. With the future of the island and its returning prosperity hinging on their success, Okino and his team’s efforts to save their home form a thrilling saga of innovation and determination against overwhelming odds.