2.43: Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu
2.43: Seiin High School Boys Volleyball Team
37 Ranked in Winter 2021
130 Ranked in 2021
Kimichika Haijima and his childhood friend, Yuni Kuroba, have both ended up at Seiin High School. After an incident at his previous school, Haijima had to move back to Fukui and reunite with Kuroba. When Haijima noticed Kuroba's talent, he was determined to form a new volleyball team with him as the ace. Unfortunately, Kuroba's performance anxiety caused the team to lose in the prefectural tournament and created a rift between him and Haijima.
Now, the two are on the same volleyball team again and Haijima is determined to help Kuroba become the ace of the team. With the support of the team captain and vice captain, Seiin is aiming to win the prefecturals and qualify for the Spring Tournament. But to make this happen, they have to beat Fukuho Technical High School, the reigning champions of Fukui. Will Haijima's team prevail and make him proud, or will they be doomed to repeat his history of defeat?