In the distant future, humanity faces extinction at the hands of a monstrous alien race called the Hideauze. During an intense battle, young lieutenant Ledo and his powerful mobile weapon, Chamber, are swallowed by a time-space distortion and find themselves on a flooded Earth, a planet thought to be lost. Earth is now home to fleets of giant ships where people survive by salvaging relics from the ocean depths. Ledo lands on one such fleet called Gargantia and meets Amy, a 15-year-old girl who works as a messenger.
With no knowledge of Earth's history or culture, Ledo must adapt to this new world. Used to a life of constant fighting, he is surprised by the peaceful existence of the Gargantia residents. As he learns to live alongside Amy and the others, he discovers that there is more to this ocean-covered planet than meets the eye, and his peaceful days may not last long.