Subaru Natsuki's mundane life takes an unexpected turn when he is suddenly whisked away from a convenience store to a mysterious, fantasy world. Here, he encounters Satella, a silver-haired beauty in dire need of help to retrieve her stolen insignia. Eager to repay her for saving him from a dangerous encounter with local thugs, Subaru joins her quest. However, their journey takes a horrific twist when both are mercilessly killed, only for Subaru to awaken at the very moment he first arrived, realizing he has the ability to reset his death and retain memories of prior events.
Armed with the knowledge of his unique power, Subaru re-encounters Satella and the dangers that previously overcame them. As they delve deeper into their adventure, Subaru's resolve is tested as he confronts brutal realities and learns the harsh consequences of his actions in a world that continuously resets. This mysterious cycle of death and revival brings both opportunities and psychological trials for Subaru, challenging his sanity and dedication to the people he vows to protect.