Isaku Senagaki, granddaughter of a yakuza boss, dreams of a normal high school life away from her underworld ties. Determined to forge her own path, she enrolls in a distant high school, seeking the typical teenage experiences of friendship and romance. However, her plans are complicated when Keiya Utou, her guardian and a devoted yakuza member, enrolls in the same school to protect her. Keiya, who has watched over her since her parents' tragic death, sees his duty as protecting Isaku, but his presence in her school life proves more hindrance than help.
Isaku's quest for normalcy is constantly thwarted by Keiya's overbearing ways, as he misinterprets his protective duties, encroaching on her personal freedoms. This dynamic tests Isaku’s patience and complicates her social life, as she struggles to distance herself from her yakuza legacy while also managing her complex feelings towards Keiya. Despite these challenges, Isaku remains resolute in her pursuit of a life defined by her own choices, not her family's past.