In a future where self-driving cars dominate the streets, the thrill of racing is kept alive by the MFG, a prestigious motor racing tournament that pits traditional combustion engines against each other on Japan's public roads. Kanata Rivington, a young racer freshly graduated from a top British racing school, returns to Japan with high hopes. Using the alias "Kanata Katagiri," he enters the MFG with his inherited Toyota 86 GT, a car far less glamorous than the high-performance vehicles of his competitors. Despite his underdog status, Kanata's driving style captivates the audience and competitors alike, reminding many of a legendary racer from years past.
Kanata's participation in the MFG is not merely about winning; he is also on a personal quest to find his estranged father. As he navigates through the competitive ranks, hoping to secure a spot among the elite Godly Fifteen and uncover his father's fate, Kanata faces both rivalries and alliances. His journey through the world of high-speed racing becomes a dramatic exploration of legacy, ambition, and identity amidst the roaring engines and screeching tires of the MFG's challenging circuits.