The third season of "Shingeki no Kyojin" sees Eren Yeager and his allies facing threats from all sides, as they continue their fight for freedom within humanity’s remaining strongholds. Following harrowing encounters with the Colossal and Armored Titans, Eren is placed under the protective watch of Levi’s new squad, with the dual aim of safeguarding him and Historia, who holds critical knowledge and a royal lineage. Their relative safety is short-lived, however, as a sinister plot within the government emerges, seeking to seize control of Eren's formidable powers and Historia’s royal blood for nefarious purposes.
As Eren struggles with his transformation abilities in a secluded forest, the Scouts are wrongfully persecuted by their own military, accused of a crime they didn't commit. This internal conflict forces them to battle against their fellow humans, revealing that the true enemies may not always be the Titans lurking beyond the walls. Amidst this chaos, new secrets about the Titans come to light, threatening the fragile semblance of order the Survey Corps has fought so hard to maintain. The season builds on themes of trust, betrayal, and the harsh realities of fighting for justice in a world rife with conspiracy.
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