In the serene backdrop of the rural village Asahigaoka, the quaint Asahigaoka Branch School is home to only five students, yet it brims with the vibrant life and adventures of its attendees. "Non Non Biyori: Repeat" explores the carefree, slow-paced life of four girls: Renge Miyauchi, a spirited first grader; Natsumi and Komari Koshigaya, two sisters who are in seventh and eighth grade respectively; and Hotaru Ichijou, a fifth grader who has recently moved from the bustling city of Tokyo. Each day unfolds with new experiences and explorations, from the school's entrance ceremony to daily adventures in the surrounding countryside.
Hotaru, adjusting to her new rural surroundings, finds a stark contrast between her former city life and the leisurely pace of Asahigaoka. Despite the lack of urban conveniences, the richness of the countryside offers unique and heartwarming experiences with her new friends. Together, they create memories that range from Hotaru’s nostalgic recollections of her first days in the village to collective moments that breathe life into their sleepy town. This slice-of-life series captures the essence of childhood in the countryside, filled with both individual moments of joy and shared adventures.