Set in Edo-era Tokyo in the early 1700s, the story follows the creation of the Mushibugyou Protection Office, a special magistrate unit formed by the eighth shogun, Tokugawa Yoshimune. Hearing the concerns of the commoners through suggestion boxes, the shogun establishes this elite group to defend the city from deadly giant insects that have begun to rampage through Edo. Each member of the Mushibugyou is a specialist with unique fighting skills, tasked with protecting the people and eliminating the monstrous threat.
Among the new recruits is Jinbei Tsukishima, the son of famed samurai Genjuurou Tsukishima, who joins the Mushibugyou after his father is injured. Despite being initially inept, Jinbei is determined to prove himself and atone for past mistakes. He is joined by fiery ninja Hibachi, violent warrior Koikawa, young onmyouji Ichinotani, and the enigmatic Mugai. Together, they must learn to work as a team to defeat the many-legged menace and protect Edo from the deadly giant bugs.