At Tokyo's prestigious Fire Academy, three young recruits are pushed to their limits, preparing for a career fraught with danger and heroism. Daigo Toake excels with his exceptional skills, drawing the attention of Shun Onoda, who grapples with a mix of rivalry and respect towards his more talented classmate. Alongside them is Yuki Nakamura, who is fiercely committed to proving her capabilities in a field overwhelmingly dominated by men. As these recruits endure the demanding training regime, they learn that the stakes of real-life emergencies are much higher than any scenario they face at the academy.
The paths of Daigo, Shun, and Yuki intertwine as they each aim to secure a spot in the elite rescue corps known as "Orange." Their training not only tests their physical and mental strength but also their ability to work together under extreme pressure. As they face simulated disasters designed to mimic the harsh realities of their future roles, these recruits must transform their initial motivations into a unified front, ready to tackle any crisis. In doing so, they forge a bond that will one day see them become the protectors of Japan, standing ready to face any calamity with bravery and resolve.