Thirty years after a catastrophic event known as a "spacequake" devastated Eurasia, claiming millions of lives, these terrifying phenomena continue to occur, albeit on a smaller scale. In the midst of one such spacequake in Tengu City, high school student Shidou Itsuka discovers a mysterious girl at the epicenter. His sister Kotori, who surprisingly commands an airship for the organization Ratatoskr, reveals that the girl is a "Spirit" responsible for the spacequake. Shidou is recruited by Kotori to use his unique ability to seal the Spirits' powers by making them fall in love with him, offering a peaceful alternative to the violent methods employed by the Anti-Spirit Team, a military force intent on destroying Spirits.
As Shidou embarks on this unconventional mission, he finds himself in the precarious position of dating these powerful otherworldly beings to prevent further disasters. Each encounter with a Spirit challenges Shidou’s understanding of love and duty, as he navigates complex emotions and the dangerous politics of groups with conflicting agendas regarding the Spirits. With humanity’s fate intertwined with his success, Shidou must refine his romantic skills to avert destruction while uncovering deeper truths about the Spirits and their origins.