In 1998, Kouichi Sakakibara transfers to the notorious class 3-3 at Yomiyama North Junior High, where he quickly senses a strange and foreboding atmosphere. He becomes intrigued by Mei Misaki, a quiet girl with an eye patch who seems to be ignored by all other students. Despite warnings from his classmates to stay away from her, Kouichi is drawn to Mei and the mysterious aura that surrounds her. His curiosity leads him to uncover the legend of a former student named Misaki, whose death 26 years ago set off a chain of tragic events that continue to haunt the class.
As Kouichi befriends Mei, the sinister reality of the class 3-3 curse begins to unfold. Students and their families start to die under gruesome and inexplicable circumstances. Determined to understand the connection between the past and present calamities, Kouichi and Mei embark on a perilous journey to reveal the truth. With each revelation, they edge closer to breaking the curse, but the cost of knowledge may be more than they can bear.