Enter the chilling world of Yakusoku no Neverland, where the orphaned children of Grace Field House live under the watchful eye of their caretaker, "Mom" Isabella. Led by the bright trio of Emma, Norman, and Ray, the children enjoy a seemingly idyllic life within the confines of their gated home, unaware of the sinister truth lurking beneath the surface. However, their blissful existence is shattered when Emma and Norman uncover the dark secrets hidden within the orphanage walls, leading them to a harrowing realization about their fate and the true nature of their beloved Mama.
As the children come to grips with the grim reality of their situation, they must navigate a treacherous path filled with deception, danger, and betrayal. With their lives on the line, Emma, Norman, and Ray embark on a desperate quest for survival, determined to uncover the mysteries of Grace Field House and break free from their sinister captors. Join them on a thrilling journey of discovery and defiance as they confront the horrors of their past and fight for a future of freedom.