In modern Japan, the shadows of the ninja world linger with two covert organizations at the helm: the National Intelligence of NINJA (NIN) and its clandestine rival, Under Ninja (UN). Amidst this backdrop, Kudo, a seemingly ordinary seventeen-year-old high school student, is drawn into a covert world far beyond the average teen's daily worries. Tasked with defending Tokyo from an influx of foreign assassins, Kudo's life is thrust into a tumultuous balance of high school and high-risk missions.
NIN and UN operate in the crevices of Japanese society, conducting assassinations, espionage, and sabotage without government oversight. As Kudo navigates the dangerous waters of his double life, he must contend with the responsibilities of being one of the 20,000 ninjas under NIN's command, while grappling with the moral ambiguities of a war waged from the shadows. The ongoing feud between NIN and UN questions the very essence of loyalty and duty as Kudo faces life-and-death decisions in the pursuit of peace and personal identity.