Tokyo Revengers: Tenjiku-hen
In the third season of Tokyo Revengers, Takemichi Hanagaki's journey through time takes a perilous turn as he confronts the rising threat of Tenjiku, a formidable gang from Yokohama bent on toppling Tokyo Manji Gang and claiming supremacy over all gangs in Japan. Following a devastating future glimpse where Toman is shattered by Mikey's descent into darkness and Hinata’s tragic fate remains unchanged, Takemichi returns to the past once more, determined to strengthen himself and thwart the dark designs of Tetta Kisaki and the mysterious Izana Kurokawa.
Despite his previous victories against the Black Dragons, Takemichi finds that his battles have only intensified the dangers ahead. As Izana and Kisaki weave their nefarious plots, Takemichi must navigate the complex dynamics of gang alliances and rivalries. With the stakes higher than ever and his time-leaping abilities lost, Takemichi faces the ultimate test of his resolve and leadership in a desperate bid to rewrite the future and save those he holds dear from impending doom.