In a world where superheroes prevent a looming third World War, Japan’s representation comes in the form of a remarkably timid yet powerful young girl known as "Shy." At only 14, Teru Momijiyama balances her life as a middle school student with her responsibilities as a national hero, grappling with deep-seated self-doubts and the immense pressure of her role. Despite her shyness and insecurity, Shy's earnest desire to help others and protect her country shines through, making her a unique symbol of hope and courage.
As new and powerful threats emerge, Shy finds herself working alongside an array of international heroes, each with their own spectacular abilities and heroic ideals. This collaboration not only challenges her to grow beyond her fears but also helps her understand the true essence of being a hero. Through each encounter and mission, Shy learns valuable lessons about bravery, self-worth, and the power of cooperation, slowly transforming from a reluctant hero into a beacon of inspiration for all who know her.
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