Tooru Kouno transfers to an all-boys school, hoping for a fresh start, but his attractive appearance quickly draws unexpected attention. On his first day, he discovers that the school has a unique tradition called the "Princess System," where a few selected boys dress up as girls to boost the morale of the student body. Tooru is shocked to learn that he has been chosen as one of the new "Princesses" due to his good looks.
Initially reluctant, Tooru struggles with the idea of crossdressing and participating in this peculiar tradition. However, with the help of his fellow "Princesses," Yuujirou Shihoudani and Mikoto Yutaka, he begins to see the benefits and camaraderie that come with the role. As Tooru navigates this new and unexpected aspect of school life, he learns valuable lessons about friendship, acceptance, and the importance of stepping out of his comfort zone.