Rin is an energetic girl who loves to eat and lives in a peaceful frontier village. In contrast, Finis, a songstress, spends her days in solitude within the royal palace of the bustling capital city. Both share a unique and miraculous power: the ability to heal wounds, create water, and stir the wind with their songs. As war looms over the kingdom, the power of their songs becomes tainted with the blood of innocents, and loved ones meet their deaths in the chaos.
Guided by destiny, Rin and Finis embark on separate yet intertwined journeys. Rin's village life is shattered when she uses her song to save an injured knight, leading to an attack on her village and forcing her to flee with her brother. Meanwhile, Finis struggles with her feelings for the knight Henry and the demands of the greedy Prince Lood, who seeks to use her powers for war. As their paths converge, they must decide if their final song will be one of despair or hope.