In an unexpected twist during an everyday visit to Wiz's shop, Kazuma and his quirky team encounter a new problem when Kazuma stumbles upon a magical choker that promises to grant wishes but at a deadly cost. The choker tightens progressively, threatening Kazuma's life unless he can fulfill his deepest desires. Desperate to save their friend, his party members—ranging from the explosive mage Megumin to the masochistic crusader Darkness—embark on hilarious and somewhat questionable antics to help make Kazuma's wishes a reality, with everything from games to peculiar personal favors.
As each attempt grows more frantic and bizarre than the last, Kazuma finds himself questioning not only the loyalty but also the sanity of his companions. Despite their dysfunctional ways and endless bickering, the group's genuine efforts to save him underscore the chaotic yet endearing nature of their adventures together. Will Kazuma's inadvertent wish come true, or will the tightening choker spell the end for this accidental adventurer?