Adonis, once an apprentice under the wise witch Chloe, finds himself at the heart of a tragic saga when the Redia Empire declares war on all witches. With the rise of scientific advancements, the Empire seeks to eradicate magical influences, viewing them as a threat to their technological dominion. The brutal execution of Chloe by the Empire ignites a fierce desire for revenge in Adonis, who vows to use his magical prowess to destroy the very civilization that murdered his mentor.
As Adonis embarks on his vengeful journey, he grapples with the profound despair and isolation brought about by his loss. The witches, once harbingers of wisdom and peace, are now hunted to extinction, leaving Adonis to fight alone. Each step he takes is soaked in the blood of battles, as he questions the cost of his wrath against the backdrop of a crumbling society that once thrived under the guidance of witches. Will his quest for vengeance bring about the salvation he seeks, or will it only extend the cycle of violence and hatred?