Set a decade after the events of "FLCL Alternative," the fifth season of "FLCL" introduces us to Masaki, a high school student struggling to adapt to his surroundings due to his unusual background. His life takes an unexpected turn when he crosses paths with Harumi, a classmate whose eccentricity dwarfs his own. Intrigued by her daring spirit, Masaki finds himself drawn into Harumi's audacious plan—to bomb the infamous Tsuganei Tower. As they embark on this perilous adventure, Masaki begins to question the confines of his mundane life and the possibilities that lie beyond.
Throughout this season, the narrative dives deep into themes of adolescent unrest and the yearning for a break from the societal norms. The dynamic between Masaki and Harumi evolves, challenging both characters to confront their inner demons and aspirations. As the plot unfolds against the backdrop of their bold, potentially destructive act, viewers are taken on a rollercoaster of emotions and rebellious undertones that hallmark the FLCL series.