In the third season of "Date A Live," Shidou Itsuka continues to navigate the complex challenges of dealing with Spirits—otherworldly girls whose emotions power the catastrophic spatial quakes threatening his world. With his unique ability to seal their powers through a kiss, Shidou must not only manage the affections of the Spirits he has already sealed but also contend with new Spirits who emerge with even more formidable powers. As each new Spirit presents a fresh dilemma, Shidou's mission to prevent destruction becomes increasingly perilous.
This season deepens the narrative as Shidou learns more about the origins and motivations of the Spirits. The delicate balance between maintaining his relationships with the Spirits and the relentless pursuit by the Anti-Spirit Team (AST) adds layers of tension. Each episode unfolds with Shidou attempting to thwart the AST's more aggressive methods with his strategy of love and understanding, while new Spirits introduce unpredictable elements that test his resolve and capabilities. The dynamic interplay of romance, action, and mystery ensures that Shidou's life is anything but ordinary.