Set within the elite Myoujou Academy, a private girls' boarding school, the story follows the intense dynamics of the 10th year's Kurogumi class, where 12 assassins have one target: Haru Ichinose. Among them is Tokaku Azuma, a recent transfer student and a cold-hearted teenage assassin, focused on her deadly mission. However, as Tokaku gets to know Haru, she finds herself unexpectedly developing feelings for her cheerful and innocent target.
Despite the promise of any wish granted to the assassin who succeeds, Tokaku's resolve wavers. She decides to protect Haru instead, defying the rules of the assassination game. As the other assassins relentlessly pursue Haru, Tokaku stands by her side, determined to shield her from harm. The story unfolds with intense action and emotional turmoil as Tokaku navigates her new role as Haru's protector, all while facing the deadly threats from her classmates.